CornerStar Sales Intelligence gives you instant answers to key sales indicators to strengthen your competitive advantage:
- Product Profitability: Which products are most profitable, in which region, by which channel?
- Customer Profitability: Are your highest volume customers also your most profitable? What are your customer profitability tiers and how many customers are in each tier? What regions or segments do they represent?
- Strategic Market Analysis: What markets are the most profitable and what product mix is selling into what market?
- Sales Plan vs. Actual: Are you on plan for the month, for the quarter, YTD? Is there a variance? What's driving it?
- Sales Pipeline Analysis: What's in the pipeline, when is it going to hit, and what's driving it?
- Sales Analysis Slice-and-Dice: What do the bookings, backlog, shipments look like in Quantity, Price, Discount, Margin, Costs for Salesperson, Customer, Product, Site, Region, Product Line by Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, Quarter-to-Date, Year-to-Date, this period Prior Year?
Know more with less effort - getting the information you need should be the easiest part of your job:
- View Shipments, Bookings, Backlog
- Gain Insight to Quantities, Price, Discounts, Costs, Margins
- Filter and sort by Sites, Product Lines, Items, Customers, Sales People
- Pre-calculated period totals by current month, prior month, current QTD, prior QTD, current YTD, prior YTD, prior year current month, and more
- Compare to Forecasts and Quotas
- Include Revenue Adjustments
- View by Multiple Calendars
- Consolidate Disparate Databases for a World-Wide View
- Reconcile back to Source Systems